Cement your lifelong commitment to Sigma Lambda Beta by contributing joining our lifetime dues program.
What is the 86 Club?
The 86 Club was an initiative by the 2016-18 Executive Board of Directors that would help fulfill the goal of Alumni Support. The Founders and Alpha Classes' investments of $1,986 each, allowed the Fraternity to hire a Director of Donor Development. The Director of Donor Development was hired to help fund fraternity programs such as BetaCon and Leadership Institute. Their focus was to raise money for the Fraternity in hopes of not solely relying on undergraduate dues. This new income generated will help fund new staff positions in the future. For example, the Alumni Engagement Coordinator will be the dedicated staff member for Alumni, Alumni Networks, and Alumni Associations. ​The 86 Club will be the catalyst that allows our Alumni membership to grow and thrive, while at the same time helping future generations of undergraduate Brothers in their programs and events.
The 86 Club does come with tangible perks and gifts, along with the intrinsic value of knowing that your gift helped the fraternity get to the next level. The 86 Club consists of a class each year of its existence, beginning with the Founder's Class. A Brother who contributes the full amount of $1,986 by April 4th will be considered a member of that year's class.
Below is a list of 86 Club benefits that you will receive once fully vested.
Diploma Quality Certificate
Membership Card
86 Club Pin
86 Club Challenge Coin
Exclusive SLB Key
When do I get my benefits?
Free Access to House of Delegates Gallery
Free Ticket to the BetaCon Banquet
Exclusive Invite to the 86 Club Brunch at BetaCon
Chance to Nominate/Win the Member of the Year Award.
Members will get their benefits AFTER ​they are fully vested, as a reward for their hard work and achievement.
*At the approval of the Executive Board of Directors, items may be added or changed.
Is the Executive Office still open?Yes, the Executive Office is still open Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm CST.
Is my chapter allowed to conduct events?Yes, all chapter are approved to conduct events. However, all chapters are required to follow university, local and state Covid-19 guidelines.
Are Brothers still required to pay Membership Dues?Yes, all undergraduate Brothers are still responsible for paying membership dues on October 15 (Fall) and February 15 (Spring). Membership dues are $135 per Brother, per semester.
Can my chapter still conduct intake?Sigma Lambda Beta encourages all chapters to conduct intake through an in-person, virtual, or hybrid education process. Chapters should reach out to their Fraternity and Sorority Life office to determine what the university guidelines surrounding covid-19 are.
Will chapters still be required to attend Leadership Institute?This year, Sigma Lambda Beta will be hosting a virtual Leadership Institute. All chapters are required to register and attend with two (2) collegiate delegates.
Who should I contact for resources regarding chapter operations?Please contact your respective Director of Member Services.
How do I receive Sigma Lambda Beta updates on COVID-19 procedures?If you are not already receiving emails from the Executive Office, please send an email to operations@sigmalambdabeta.com.
The following Brothers are fully vested members of Sigma Lambda Beta’s 86 Club. We would like to thank these Brothers for their contribution to the future of the fraternity.
Angel Arroyo, Upsilon Delta
Caden Gillespie, Chi Beta
David Ayento, Kappa
Honorable Diego Back, Beta Beta
Edwin Martinez, Omicron
Jason Smolka, Omicron
Joshua Menchaca, Psi Alpha
Juan Eligio Jr., Nu Gamma
Steve Galvan, Epsilon
Christopher Acevedo, Psi
Brian Castro, Omicron
Derrick Wills, Phi Epsilon
Jorge Perez de Jesus, Beta
Julio Arevalo, Alpha
Honorable Mario Rueda, Eta
Oscar Bahena, Delta Delta
Kenneth Eremita, Psi Alpha
Kyle McElroy, Lambda Gamma
Michael Woo, Zeta
Mike Vargas, Beta
Angel Avalos, Beta
Benjamin Robles, Phi Alpha
Chason Anderson, Iota Gamma
Honorable Derrick Jones, Nu Beta
Emmanuel Thomas, Pi
Joel Rhea, Beta
Juan Gutierrez (In memoriam Eled Herrera Theta Alpha), Tau
Juan Telles, Alpha Beta
Roberto Riadigos Jr., Eta
Rob Santos, New York University Chapter
Sammy A. Publes, Epsilon
The following Brothers have begun contributions to the 86 Club. We look forward to when they are fully vested members.
Adnoris Torres, Michigan State University
Andrew Walton, Central Michigan University
Austin Rodill, Omicron Alpha
Cruz M. Rodriguez, Epsilon Gamma
Daniel Mendez, Alpha
Daraius Guthridge, Theta Gamma
Eduardo Cedillo, Michigan State University Colony
Gary Galvan, Epsilon
JD Herdon, Psi
Jeron Humphrey, Phi Delta
Jesus Castillo, Mu Beta
Jesus Portillo, Sigma Beta
Johnatan Rivera, Phi Beta
Jose Maldonado, Iota Delta
Jose Mendez, Omicron Delta
Justin Gonzalez, Kappa
Leo McAfee Jr., Lambda Delta
Matthew Sotelo, Arizona Alumni Network
Marcus Jackson, Epsilon
Rob Cannon, Alpha
Roberto Ceballos, Upsilon
Sam Zamarron, Eastern Michigan University Chapter
Santos Gutierrez, Eastern Michigan University Chapter
Victor Seca-Diaz, Chi Beta