The Beginning
During the fall of 1985, Baltazar Mendoza-Madrigal began to explore the idea of establishing a Latino-based fraternity at the University of Iowa. Having seen the impact organizations like Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity had on their constituency, Mendoza-Madrigal knew something similar could be done for the Latino interest. Without knowing the impact he would have over 30 years down the road, Baltazar starting doing research on this possibility.
After months of dedicated research, Mendoza-Madrigal called for a special meeting on March 7, 1986. Held at the Chicano Indian American Cultural Center (now known as the Latino Native American Cultural Center), this meeting would bring together the Latino students to discuss the feasibility of creating a social fraternity that would focus on the Latino culture.
“The Latino community was divided among several social groups at the time,” said Mendoza-Madrigal. The enthusiasm in favor of establishing a social fraternity that could help in unifying the community was so great that word started to spread quickly across the University of Iowa campus. Everyone knew that something great was about to take place. After much planning, the ideology and philosophy of this new organization were finalized on April 4th, 1986. Henceforth, this day is recognized as the official founding date of Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity at The University of Iowa.
Sigma Lambda Beta Today
After over 30 years, our Fraternity has grown to over 120 collegiate entities spanning over 30 states from Coast to Coast. Sigma Lambda Beta entities can be found at some of the largest institutions in the Big Ten, PAC 12, and Big 12 or at some of the most prestigious small private schools across the country. Moreover, our membership has expanded beyond our Hispanic-Latino origins making us one of the most culturally diverse Greek-lettered organizations.
Eighteen men gathered at the University of Iowa and founded Sigma Lambda Beta. These men came from all sorts of backgrounds and exemplify what Sigma Lambda Beta stands for today. These men are:
Bro. Mario Buendia
Bro. Enrique Carbajal
Bro. Thomas Carrasquillo
Bro. Manuel Chavarria
Bro. Jose Fong
Bro. Rodolfo Garza
Bro. Luis Jimenez
Bro. Luis Marquez
Bro. Baltazar Mendoza-Madrigal
Bro. Eric Montes
Bro. Kuy Ou
Bro. Olakunle Oyeyemi
Bro. Jaime Ramirez
Bro. Olivero Rivera
Bro. Eugenio Soria
Bro. Juan Valdez
Bro. Ricardo Zamudio
Board of Directors
Rusty Barcelo*
John Chadima*
Bro. Mary Peterson
Claudio Hidalgo*
Founding Father Luis Jimenez
Ester Materon-Arun*
Founding Father Baltazar Mendoza-Madrigal
Helen Ryan*
Arturo Sierra*
Luis Vasquez*
* Denotes non-Brother.
International Board of Directors
International President - Juan Rodriguez, Beta
VP of Collegiate Operations - Mary Peterson, Alpha
VP of Expansion - Baltazer Mendoza-Madrigal, Alpha
VP of Alumni - Juan Valdez, Alpha
VP of Academics - Joel Rhea, Beta
VP of Finance - John Chadima*
VP of Program Development - Ricardo Zamudio, Alpha
Undergrad Rep - Rudy Lopez, Theta
Undergrad Rep - Edgar Reyes, Alpha
Undergrad Rep - Mike Ramirez, Alpha
International Board of Directors
International President - Ricardo Zamudio, Alpha
VP of Collegiate Operations - Joel Rhea, Beta
VP of Expansion - Manny Miranda, Pi
Replaced by: Ian Bautista, Phi -
VP of Alumni - Mike Heller, Alpha
Replaced by: Ian Bautista, Phi -
VP of Academics - John Davila, Gamma
VP of Finance - John Chadima*
Replaced by: Octaviano Gonzalez, Sigma
Replaced by: Ricardo Zamudio, Alpha -
VP of Program Development - Juan Rodriguez, Alpha
Undergrad Rep - Raymundo Najera, Xi
Undergrad Rep - Omar Espinoza, Eta
Undergrad Rep - Juan David Alejo, Beta Alpha
International Board of Directors
International President - Joel Rhea, Beta
VP of Collegiate Operations - Juan David Alejo, Beta Alpha
VP of Expansion - Ian Bautista, Phi
VP of Alumni - Norvis Huezo, Pi
VP of Academics - Mark Slessinger, Aurora/Eta
VP of Finance - Mario Rueda, Eta
Undergrad Rep - James Reed Jr., Delta Alpha
Undergrad Rep - Ricardo Torres, Pi
Undergrad Rep - Angelo Cisneros, Zeta
International Board of Directors
International President - Norvis Huezo, Pi
VP of Collegiate Operations - Tony Pro, Psi
VP of Expansion - Ian Bautista, Phi
VP of Alumni - Anthony Ochoa, Kappa Alpha
VP of Program Development - Sergio Garcia, Sigma Alpha
VP of Academics - Enrique Vela, Alpha Alpha
Replaced by: Steven Puentes, Pi
Replaced by: Ammar Mufleh, Epsilon AlphaVP of Finance - Ricardo Zamudio, Alpha
Undergrad Rep - Angel Avalos, Beta
Undergrad Rep - Cesar Barradas, Kappa
Undergrad Rep - Roberto Ceballos, Upsilon
International Board of Directors
International President - Norvis Huezo, Pi
VP of Collegiate Operations - Tony Pro, Psi
Replaced by: Ammar Mufleh, Epsilon AlphaVP of Expansion - Anthony Ochoa, Kappa Alpha
VP of Alumni - Jose Phillips, Phi Alpha
Replaced by: Juan Gutierrez, TauVP of Program Development - Josh Flores, Epsilon Alpha
VP of Academics - Ammar Mufleh, Epsilon Alpha
Replaced by: Cesar Barradas, KappaVP of Finance - Ricardo Zamudio, Alpha
Undergrad Rep - Miguel Ayala, Sigma Alpha
Undergrad Rep - Gil Duarte, Beta Beta
Undergrad Rep - Orlando Garcia, Upsilon
Replaced by Joel Arias, Gamma Alpha
International Board of Directors
International President - Ammar Mufleh, Epsilon Alpha
VP of Collegiate Operations - Cesar Barradas, Kappa
VP of Expansion - Miguel Ayala, Sigma Alpha
VP of Alumni - Jose Martinez, Zeta
VP of Program Development - Gregory Rodriguez, Pi
VP of Academics - Roy Salcedo, Omicron
VP of Finance - Ricardo Zamudio, Alpha
Undergrad Rep - Gerardo Reyes, Tau/Kappa Beta
Undergrad Rep - Roger Montalban, Eta Beta
Undergrad Rep - Jason Garcia, Rho Beta
International Board of Directors
International President - Ammar Mufleh, Epsilon Alpha
VP of Collegiate Operations - Luis Jose Cruz Rivera, Epsilon Gamma
VP of Expansion - David Chavez, Tau
VP of Alumni - Alejandro Builes, Omicron Alpha
VP of Program Development - Josh Flores, Epsilon Alpha
Replaced by: Gregory Rodriguez, PiVP of Academics - Roy Salcedo, Omicron
VP of Finance - John Dimas, Epsilon Gamma
Undergrad Rep - Nicolas Morales, Lambda Alpha
Undergrad Rep - Jason Smolka, Omicron
Undergrad Rep - Roberto Torres, Rho Alpha
International Board of Directors
International President - Gregory Rodriguez, Pi
Replaced by: Samuel Centellas, EpsilonVP of Collegiate Operations - Anthony Ochoa, Kappa Alpha
VP of Expansion - Roberto Torres, Rho Alpha
Replaced by: Maximo Anguiano, Alpha GammaVP of Alumni - Alejandro Builes, Omicron Alpha
VP of Program Development - Samuel Centellas, Epsilon
Replaced by: Omar Padilla, Lambda GammaVP of Academics - Roy Salcedo, Omicron
VP of Finance - John Dimas, Epsilon Gamma
Replaced by: Benjamin Robles, Phi AlphaUndergrad Rep - Salvador Hernandez, Phi Alpha
Undergrad Rep - Omar Padilla
No ReplacementUndergrad Rep - Maximo Anguiano
No Replacement
International Board of Directors
International President - Samuel Centellas, Epsilon
VP of Collegiate Operations - Juan Izaguirre, Phi Alpha
VP of Expansion - Derrick Lugo, Chi
Replaced by: Eduardo Diaz, Kappa
Replaced by: Trace Camacho, Lambda GammaVP of Alumni - Cesar Ramirez, Chi
VP of Finance - Benjamin Robles, Phi Alpha
VP of Communications - Carlos Frevert, Alpha Alpha
International Board of Directors
International President - Samuel Centellas, Epsilon
VP of Collegiate Operations - Shane Hornbeck, Beta
VP of Alumni - Jaden Felix, Zeta
VP of Finance - Luis Jose Cruz Rivera, Epsilon Gamma
VP of Communications - Antonio Quevedo, Chi Alpha
Executive Board of Directors
Chairman - Luis Jose Cruz Rivera, Epsilon Gamma
Diego Back, Beta Beta
John Dimas, Epsilon Gamma
Anthony Mejia, Psi
Rogelio Monzon, Chi Beta
Antonio Queveda, Chi Alpha
Executive Board of Directors
Chairman - Diego Back, Beta Beta
David Ayento, Kappa
Luis Jose Cruz Rivera, Epsilon Gamma
Rogelio Monzon, Chi Beta
Anthony Ybarra, Phi
Timothy Wightman, Alpha
Executive Board of Directors
Chairman - Diego Back, Beta Beta
Angel Arroyo, Upsilon Delta
David Ayento, Kappa
Brian Castro, Omicron
Jason Smolka, Omicron
Anthony Ybarra, Phi
Executive Board of Directors
Chairman - David Ayento, Kappa
Angel Arroyo, Upsilon Delta
Roberto Ceballos, Upsilon
Steve Galvan, Epsilon
Orlando Garcia, Upsilon
Jason Smolka, Omicron
Executive Board of Directors
Chairman - Roberto Ceballos, Upsilon
Mauricio Amaral-Vazquez, Tau
Christopher Cooley, Chi Delta
Victor Diaz, Chi Beta
Steve Galvan, Epsilon
Jorge Perez De Jesus, Beta